For you

For you | Poem | Song Lyrics

for you (i promise i'll find you soon)
i hope you like peanut butter, because i love it
i hope you like oreos, esp when theyre blended in a milkshake.
i hope you agree that dessert is the best part of a meal
i hope you find the clear blue sky a wonder of the world
i hope you love bubbles, esp when they reflect pink and purple
i hope you'll hold my hand when i'm down
i hope you'll try to bake me cookies with extra choc chips on top(i'll still love you if you fail)
i hope you'll never make me drink beer (i got drunk on it once)
i hope you'll tell me if the brownies i bake are not fudgey enough
i hope you wont mind when i start giggling and laughing hysterically.
i hope you'll like snapple apple (if you say it real fast 'snappleapple' its really funny.promise)
i hope you'll like sushi =)
i hope you wont mind eating fried rice often (thats the only thing im good at cooking)
i hope you like the crunchy fries from Mackers coz i like the soggy ones. (we could share )
i hope you'll like whales and cows.
i hope you wont mind that i say sorry to the cows before i eat beef. (theyre actually kinda cute)
i hope you share your creme brulee if i really like your dessert better than mine. But i'll share mine if you like it better.
I hope you dont mind that i love talking to the flowers (especially sunflowers)
I hope you'll walk with me down the street when the christmas lights are up.
i hope you'll lend me your shoulder when i feel down
i hope you don't mind if i go on a cooking frenzy and cook a whole table full of food. (hehe)

A meeting between two beings who complete one another, who are made for each other, borders already, in my opinion, on a miracle.